Sunday, September 22, 2013


Shingeki no Kyojin - 24

Posted in
"Mercy: Raid on Stohess District, Part 2" 
"Jihi -Sutohesu-ku Kyūshū (2)-" (慈悲 ―ストヘス区急襲②―)

So this episode was really bloody. But who am I kidding, it always is. We start this episode where we left off last week, when Annie used the ring to cut her skin. We get a really cool transformation (these transformations are always my favourite part):

Then it cuts to before the transformation, when they were planning this in the first place. Poor Levi, his leg still hurts.

The other Survey Corps (including Ervin) show up to tell Eren about the plan. They finally let Eren in about who they think the female titan is. For some reason, he's super super shocked and can't handle it and doesn't believe it even though Armin gives him all this evidence.

And then it cuts back to the present. Annie transforming means that the people who tried to restrain her are now dead. *sigh*

So the three of them run in the tunnel for Plan B, which is to somehow escape out of the tunnel. They meet the other squad but now Annie is stomping down the tunnel and people die.

There is a lot of blood in this episode, as I said, but most of it probably comes from Eren trying to bite his hand off. The stupid thing still refuses to kill Annie and he can't transform, so he just keeps biting and biting and more blood just come out. It's really disgusting.

Then Mikasa gives him this face.

Annie then stomps again and there goes Jaeger.

What I'm really annoyed about in this episode is how the soldiers in Wall Sina are lazy bastards and are too scared to do anything (that's what Jean is thinking too). I mean, it's a little expected, since they did become Military Corps for a reason. And they also refuse to believe that there's a titan in Wall Sina. Even though Ervin tries to gather people to capture Annie, they just point guns at him.

Also, Armin is seriously the best talker. He really knows how to convince anyone. That is like the best power to have and I need that, gosh. So, he eventually convinces Eren's inner titan to come out and boom boom boom, Titan Eren punches Titan Annie.

Look at this, by the way. What the hell is Eren doing here?! He's not trying to get out of the damn wood, he's pushing up even higher for some really really weird reason, and I don't know why.

So that's it for this episode! That was really gross. I apologize for my bad writing in this post. My head isn't really in the right place right now. I'll be watching the latest Danganronpa episode soon, so you can expect the blog post to be up by tonight!