Monday, September 23, 2013


Another update

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Whoops! So I just realized that I posted all the animes that I am currently watching last weekend, so I'll probably have nothing to post from Monday-Thursday, because all the animes I watch come out at the end of the week. However, I'll try to post some other anime-related stuff just to keep this blog active. :)

Sunday, September 22, 2013


Danganronpa: The Animation - 12

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"How the Super High School Level Unlucky Student Bewitched the Super High School Level Murder, the Super High School Level Execution and the Super High School Level Despair" 
"Chō-kōkō-kyū no Fuun ga Chō-kōkō-kyū no Satsujin to Chō kōkō-kyū no Shokei to Chō kōkō-kyū no Zetsubō o Hikiyoseta Riyū" (超高校級の不運が超高校級の殺人と超高校級の処刑と超高校級の絶望を引き寄せた理由)

Long title...


Don't read this if you haven't watched the episode/hate spoilers/don't know who the mastermind is.

Starting from where we left off - the students have to figure out all the answers to Hope's Peak Academy. Monokuma allows them to go anywhere they like and has opened all the doors. Naegi really did find a lot of information in this episode. He could actually be good enough as a Super High School Level Detective.

He found:

1. The password to the computer - KYOKO - that opened a hidden door.

2. The principal's (Kirigiri's father) Digital Notebook.

3. An SD card containing a video file that had the students agreeing to spend their life in Hope's Peak. (But Monokuma ripped out the cable before he could watch Junko Enoshima's interview)

4. Textbooks in a locker belonging to Hagakure.

5. A notebook in a locker belonging to Kirigiri, talking about planning this with her father and about there being two 'Despairs'.

- Monokuma gives each of the students photos. The photo they get doesn't have the specific person inside it -

Hagakure's picture
Asahina's picture
Fukawa's picture
Naegi's picture
Togami's picture
- the first thing I noticed was that Junko's face was always hidden in all the photos and Celes was always far in the background, but I don't think that means anything -

6. That they all have amnesia and the photos are real.

7. The masked body wasn't Mukuro, it was a re-used body from the morgue. It was Junko's body because the wounds on the body resembled where Junko got pierced with the spears.

8. BUT. The body actually is Mukuro's, but the Junko they thought that got killed wasn't actually Junko. It was Mukuro pretending to be Junko. Why? I'm not sure yet.

9. The girl in the photos and the videos is the real Junko, and not Mukuro.

10. Junko and Mukuro switched places.

11. Junko Enoshima is the mastermind.

This episode was a shocker, and just a bit confusing. We still don't know her intentions, why Mukuro agreed to it, and why Kirigiri's notebook had what it had on there.

I knew something was up with Junko only because I follow people who played the actual game on Tumblr, and they post weird things about Junko, but I didn't know what it was. Now I know, I guess.

I really need the next episode because I need even more answers. I'm pretty sure we're all dying by now! But it's sad, of course, that this anime is ending. :(

Shingeki no Kyojin - 24

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"Mercy: Raid on Stohess District, Part 2" 
"Jihi -Sutohesu-ku Kyūshū (2)-" (慈悲 ―ストヘス区急襲②―)

So this episode was really bloody. But who am I kidding, it always is. We start this episode where we left off last week, when Annie used the ring to cut her skin. We get a really cool transformation (these transformations are always my favourite part):

Then it cuts to before the transformation, when they were planning this in the first place. Poor Levi, his leg still hurts.

The other Survey Corps (including Ervin) show up to tell Eren about the plan. They finally let Eren in about who they think the female titan is. For some reason, he's super super shocked and can't handle it and doesn't believe it even though Armin gives him all this evidence.

And then it cuts back to the present. Annie transforming means that the people who tried to restrain her are now dead. *sigh*

So the three of them run in the tunnel for Plan B, which is to somehow escape out of the tunnel. They meet the other squad but now Annie is stomping down the tunnel and people die.

There is a lot of blood in this episode, as I said, but most of it probably comes from Eren trying to bite his hand off. The stupid thing still refuses to kill Annie and he can't transform, so he just keeps biting and biting and more blood just come out. It's really disgusting.

Then Mikasa gives him this face.

Annie then stomps again and there goes Jaeger.

What I'm really annoyed about in this episode is how the soldiers in Wall Sina are lazy bastards and are too scared to do anything (that's what Jean is thinking too). I mean, it's a little expected, since they did become Military Corps for a reason. And they also refuse to believe that there's a titan in Wall Sina. Even though Ervin tries to gather people to capture Annie, they just point guns at him.

Also, Armin is seriously the best talker. He really knows how to convince anyone. That is like the best power to have and I need that, gosh. So, he eventually convinces Eren's inner titan to come out and boom boom boom, Titan Eren punches Titan Annie.

Look at this, by the way. What the hell is Eren doing here?! He's not trying to get out of the damn wood, he's pushing up even higher for some really really weird reason, and I don't know why.

So that's it for this episode! That was really gross. I apologize for my bad writing in this post. My head isn't really in the right place right now. I'll be watching the latest Danganronpa episode soon, so you can expect the blog post to be up by tonight!

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Servant x Service - 12

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"Wait a Moment, Being Accustomed and Being Unprepared Are Life-Threatening" 
"Chotto Matenare to Yudan ga Inochitori" (一寸待て 慣れと油断が 命取り)

This episode was my favourite EVER. We finally got to see our long awaited date with Hasebe and Lucy!

So, this episode started with Chihaya taking three days off from work to finish all her costume projects.(I really admire her dedication to cosplaying). However, for some reason, she's been sleeping on her floor and using Lucy's boobs as a pillow...

And like every episode we've been having recently, we have a little bit of Taishi's and Chihaya's relationship with each other. It's definitely a strange one, no doubt, with Taishi being an absolute blur-case, but it's cute like every one is. Especially what they do in this episode.

It starts with Chihaya telling Taishi not to text her or call her and to definitely not go to her house during those three days. I pity Taishi for having to really try to read Chihaya's not-very-obvious signs. And of course, Taishi interprets it as what she said and not what she truly meant. Oh, Taishi.

Luckily though, he does end up going to her house (and rejecting going shopping with his sister as well!) and we see Chihaya who has collapsed of exhaustion. This is the part for the fangirls!

And wow do I love the references in this anime. In the background of this scene, we see a Shingeki no Kyojin reference of one of the soldier's uniforms! Also, the white dress sorta looks like Menma's dress from Anohana, but it's not exactly the same. Close enough, I guess!

She finally finishes the dress and THIS HAPPENS.

Buuuuut, she ends up falling asleep on him instead *phew*. Unfortunately for poor Taishi, he can't leave.

And now for the really exciting part of this episode! The date we've all been waiting for!

Chihaya finally finishes the outfit she made for Lucy for the date, and apparently she accidentally (on purpose) made the dress just a tad bit shorter than what it was supposed to be. Lucky Hasebe!

The first thing I find adorable about the date is how long Hasebe waits for Lucy. He comes 10 minutes early, and even when she's too shy to come, he waits for even longer. When she finally arrives, boy is he happy!

Can you believe how cute Lucy looks in a dress and with contacts?! Hasebe definitely agrees with me!

I love how Hasebe is such a gentleman during the date. He carries her bag of books, he pulls out the chair for her and he walks to match her speed (because she can't walk in heels).

Towards the end, they end up resting in a park where Hasebe pulls a smooth move. I really hope that Lucy does fall in love with Hasebe because they are just too cute together!

Hey Lucy, would you like some candy?

He asks Lucy a bunch of serious questions about their relationship, but before she can answer, Hasebe's dad calls him to come and meet his sister's husband -_- At this part, we all just want to scream. Luckily for us, they decide to reschedule a date. I can't wait!

But the big reveal we have today is that Hasebe found out who the civil servant that allowed Lucy's name was. HIS FATHER. I really hope for more elaboration in the next episode!

So, this is all for this episode, can't wait for next week! :)